First things first: Irish legend (or history):
Long ago, there was an Irish Giant named Finn MacCool. Finn desired to journey across the water to Scotland to challenge the giants there but found himself landlocked by the Irish Sea. Not one to back down in the face of adversity, Finn constructed a bridge of hexagonal stone across the coast, known in our world as the Giant’s Causeway.
What happens next depends on who’s telling the story.
The tale of the causeway has inspired countless poets and writers across Ireland and Scotland, and instilled in one particular Northern Irish boy a desire to weave his own fables to one day inspire others.
When Carter built his bridge across the Atlantic (although admittedly, with significantly less basalt), he did so with the intent to bring his unique experiences as a child of Belfast to the great state of Georgia.
So why are we named after an old Irish myth? Because through the uniquely human art of film-making, we embody Finn MacCool’s creativity, diligence, and (literally) groundbreaking innovation – all to truly become our own Cool Giant.
What happens next hasn’t been written yet.